We were very proud to join the U12 National Finals which took place on Saturday 4th June 2022 with a very large number of our junior athletes – we had a total of 17 participants who had qualified for this event!
We also had a great number of podium finishes including:
Constantinos Agathangelou 2nd 600m 2012
Elenios Makri 1st 600m 2013
Ioakim Diogenous 3rd 600m 2013
Marinos Makri 3rd 1000m 2013
Ioannis Tooula 1st 1000m 2010
Berna Skordi 1st 600m 2010 1.46
Herodotos Charalambous 3rd Long Jump 2012
Michalis Charalambous 3rd High jump 2012
Vayia Soteriou 2nd 75m 2011
Antonis Stylianides 2nd 75m 2011
Orestis Potamitis 300m 2nd 2010
Congratulations to all our athletes for and especially those who despite not making it to top 3 enjoyed their first experience at the Nationals finals and achieved personal bests including Margarita Anastasiou, Herodotos Anastasi, Andreas Antoniou, Marios Aresti, Marina Michael Katerina Karayianni.