REGISTER NOW: Ipsonas is Running For You – Sunday 13th October 2024

We are proud to announce that registrations are now open for the 7th “Ipsonas Is Running For You” event, taking place on Sunday 13th October 2024. Join us to enjoy running beside the beautiful Kouris Dam!

Jointly organised with the Ipsonas Municipality, our race donates all proceeds from the event to orphaned children, in memory of the family of the Ipsonas mayor Pantelis Georgiou, so join us in order to support this worthy cause.

Directions & Google Maps Location:

Register online now and then collect your numbers on the day between 8-8.30am.

The race start times on the day are as follows:

600m Races for children up to 11 years old (Primary school) Free entry – registration on the day:
9.30am (2017 and later)

9.40am (2015-2016)

9.50am (2013-2014)

1500m Race:
10.00am (2010-2012 – 12-14 years old) Gymnasium – Free Entry

10:10am (2007-2009 – 15-17 years old) High school – Free Entry

10.20am Adults – €5 Entry

Our disabled athletes are also invited to participate accompanied by carers. Parents are also welcome to join the 1500m adults race with their small children in strollers if they wish to!

Top three will be awarded in each category. 

5km Race Adults:
9.05 am Open Category – €5 Entry

10km Race Adults:
9.00 am Open Category – €10 Entry

All participants will get a free race T-shirt and participation medal. Top 6 Men & Women will be awarded.


Register very easily and quickly now here:

Please collect your number 30-45 min before your Race. Awards ceremony will take place around 11:00.

We look forward to welcoming you to Ipsonas is Running For You 2024!


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